Do Germs Cause Sickness?
Guest blogger with us today, Dr. Jill from Choice Chiropractic. I stumbled upon this article in her office one day and I thought it was too good not to share. Let’s see what the germ theory is all about?
Do germs cause sickness? This is a topic often discussed in my office because most people do believe germs cause sickness. This thinking started long ago when Louis Pasteur proposed the “germ theory.” This theory and thinking have been passed on from generation to generation creating a phobia for germs so massive, you can hardly find a product that isn’t antibacterial anymore.
Well, I am here to suggest the “germ theory” is as wrong as the thinking was that the world is flat. If you recall…the greatest scientists used to believe that. Chiropractors, in general, adhere to a different philosophy regarding sickness and disease. Chiropractors believe sickness and disease to be the product of a weakened immune system resulting from an interference to the intelligence within. As a reminder, the intelligence within is the source of your body’s ability to heal and regulate itself.
Let’s think about this, it’s not like germs are confined to one area of the air we breathe; they are everywhere. Further, ask yourself why one person gets sick and the person sitting next to them breathing the same air doesn’t. If germs were the cause of sickness, we would all be sick all the time; they are everywhere. Sickness and disease are the result of a weakened body’s ability to adapt. Keep your body strong, from the inside out, and you will notice a drastic reduction not only in the frequency of illness and also the rate at which you recover.
Dr. Jill
The goal is to create a body terrain that is adaptable to the germs it encounters. Is your body and gut biome in a weakened state or in a state where it can defend against exposures to different germs? The greatest step towards strengthening your body towards illness is cutting out sugar. Sugar weakens your immune system and competes will the cells being able to utilize nutrients like vitamin C. Sun exposure (vitamin D) and zinc are also good immune support tools. Bigger than that, think about your gut and it you are constantly disrupting your immune system with processed foods, artificial sweeteners, antibiotics, sugars, GMO’s, etc. Or are you nourishing your gut with good fiber, fermented foods, probiotics and healthy fats, etc.? The idea is to NOT be a good host for germs :). Thanks, Dr. Jill!