Staying on Track While Traveling

One of the things I learned early on in my health journey is that being prepared was key to my success at using natural remedies and staying on track. Natural remedies are powerful tools, but starting at the onset and using them consistently is essential. Sounds simple enough, however what exactly to pack to be prepared for just about anything can be overwhelming. Am I right?

  1. Start by filling out your supplement trays for however many days you need for your trip. I find these trays from Standard Process to be the most helpful, because I just grab my day’s worth and throw it in my purse or bag.  I have my husband and son’s supplements broken into twice a day so I use one sleeve for both of them for a day’s worth. 

  2. I always pack extra of whatever food enzyme I am currently testing on or extra Zypan.  Whenever I travel I often get into foods that I don’t normally eat or the foods are prepared in oils, etc. that my body isn’t used to tolerating. You can always pop a few extra enzymes to help your body break down forreign travel food.

  3. I pack extra drainage remedies for allergies and congestion. Antronex and Sinus Tone/Drainage Tone are my go tos. 

  4. Pack essential oils that cover many basic needs.  I never leave home without Digestzen, Oregano, OnGuard, Breathe, Melaleuca, Copaiba, and Lavender. I don’t want to be without these tools just in case an illness strikes. My sinuses do not appreciate climate change.  If I have these on hand I can be proactive if one of us starts to not feel well. I make sure to pack a diffuser for sinus support/sleep support  and empty veggie capsules in case I need to make immune support capsules to swallow. My goal is to be a step ahead to prevent an illness from settling in. Essential oils are nice because one oil can be used for a hundred purposes. 

  5. Colloidal silver has become another favorite to bring along for any skin issue or possible bacterial foe that we might encounter while away from home. 

  6. I also make sure to pack Marco Pharma’s Hydrastasis for my sinuses or a neti pot and saline packets. 

  7. FOOD!  If I pack healthy snacks for the road, it helps me stay on track and minimize my exposure to foods that aren’t good fuel or are inflammatory for my body. Of course, I get to enjoy food on vacation, but I find I’d rather eat healthy snacks in the car and then indulge in a special meal at a restaurant when we arrive at our destination.   

-Dry roasted nuts/Pumpkin seeds

-Sliced peppers/hummus

-Sliced apples and nut butters

-Meat/Cheese sticks

-Sugar free beef jerky

-Boiled eggs with seasoning

-Lettuce/Swiss chard wrap sandwiches

-Toasted coconut chips **

-Plantain Chips in Coconut Oil

-Prebagged single portions of protein shake or make one for the road ahead of 



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